If you are wondering where can you sell used handbags online or what is the best site to sell designer handbags, Luxe.It.Fwd will meet your needs perfectly. As specialists in lux consignment, we take on name brand bags, jewellery and watches from a broad range of high-end designers including that we sell Chanel bags, as one of our most popular brands. Our luxury items range from vintage pieces to current season styles, meaning you can sell old handbags to us as well as newer treasures only recently purchased including to sell your Hermes bag for a great price.
At Luxe.It.Fwd we are the most trusted reseller in luxury consignment in Australia and the best place to resell designer handbags, so you can be rest assured your beautiful items are in safe hands with us. We also understand the important of selling your designer items quickly and easily. If looking for a designer consignment store in Sydney, you can pop in to give us your quoted designer purses and items for resale to us at the Queen Victoria Building. In Brisbane you can also deliver your quoted designer items to us at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre. Or if you are located in Melbourne and therefore looking for a luxury consignment shop in Melbourne or located anywhere else, we offer easy sending options of a free Australia post label or free pickup with FedEx couriers, meaning you can easily sell handbags for cash from home no matter where you are located.
Sell your designer, luxury or vintage handbag today!
Looking to resell your luxury handbag, watch, or jewellery for cash but don’t know where to start? Then sit back and let us do all of the hard work for you! Luxe.It.Fwd is the best place for selling or consigning your Hermes bag, Chanel bag, Louis Vuitton bag and more. At Luxe.It.Fwd, we understand the sentimental value and investment you've made in your luxury items. Our team of experts ensure a seamless and secure process, offering competitive prices to sell your Chanel bag and other designer treasures.
Whether you're upgrading your collection or simply decluttering, we will showcase and resell your designer handbags and vintage bags and accessories to our dedicated community of discerning buyers and collectors. From cleaning to authentication to photography to finding a buyer and sending off, we handle the entire process to make it easy to sell your Louis Vuitton bag, Chanel handbag, Hermes bag and more from start to finish!
As Australia's most trusted luxury consignment store and with drop-off locations in Sydney and Brisbane, we’ve resold over 15,000 high-end items for thousands of happy customers – no hassle, no fuss! Get your free online resale quote today to sell your Louis Vuitton bag and other luxury items, and unlock the true potential of your luxury pieces! We ensure that the selling process is incredibly quick and easy, providing the option to ship to us for free or home pickup. You can also easily drop off your quoted items at our popup luxury consignment shop in Sydney at the Queen Victoria Building, or at our popup designer consignment store in Brisbane at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre. Or if you are seeking a designer consignment store in Melbourne, you can send to us for free with a prepaid post label or free home pickup with FedEx.